Last week's challenge (and the week before) was all about exercise....Q and I set the challenge to be "Go to the gym every morning before work for a week." This sounded terrible to me because I hate mornings, but at the same time seemed like a great way to jumpstart healthier living and get on track for my goal of running a 5K, 10K, and possibly a half marathon (wishful thinking?).
So Monday morning I drag myself out of bed at 6:40am, throw on some workout clothes, wash my face, brush my teeth, pull my hair up, grab a towel, shower stuff, my blowdryer, a hair brush, work clothes, lunch food, yogurt, a water bottle, and as an afterthought a banana for one the way. Its after 7 by the time I'm on my way, but I'm impressed with myself that I actually made it up and out the door. I get to the gym and one of the few people changing into workout clothes, all the other professional men and women are on their way out. Still, I'm there and on the treadmill by 7:30. I am running and listening to my Malcolm Gladwell book very pleased with myself for my productivity so early in the AM. As I'm feeling pleased, productive, and very "adult" for getting up and going to the gym before work, I begin to notice that the Y is filling up with people. This is usually extremely motivational for me because my competitive spirit always pushes me to work harder when there are other people around. I kick up the speed on the treadmill and continue to run, look around to see if anyone can see me, then it dawns on me that I am the only person under the age of 60. I am busting my butt with the retired crowd. A mile and a half later, borrowed shower shoes, a new friend, and off to work, earlier than I've been in about a month--and I feel great. Day 1=Success. I like this whole gym in the AM thing.
The rest of the week....not so successful. In fact, the whole week-long morning gym routine was an Epic Fail. I went 1 DAY!! And I tried again last week, 0 mornings, however I did make it to the gym 3 days each week. And so far this week...its not looking good.